Joan and I got married on September 15th, 2001. I was still a newish family medicine resident and was rounding in a hospital on the morning of 9/11.

Steven Frenz; Dan McCarrell, Jr.; David Frenz; Matt Bergerson; Ashley Brandt | Photo Credit: Joe Treleven

Jamie Santilli, our attending physician, told the residents to take some time to process what was occurring. I remember her tremendous humanitarianism when the anniversary of 9/11 rolls around each year.

Our wedding and surrounding events happened as scheduled. Tom Johnson, a retired pitcher for the Minnesota Twins, officiated. Sara Renner made wonderful music. We were missing a bridesmaid and a few guests — but many converted cancelled flights into roadtrips to Minneapolis.

We honeymooned in Ely instead of Italy. Joan’s Jetta, ever trouble, dropped its muffler on our drive north. We burned some wedding cash at a repair shop as we passed through Duluth.

I still have my wedding coat and tie and wear them a few times a year — generally to weddings! ✸