Think Like a Health Plan

In one of my lives (I have a few), I serve as the medical director for a commercial health plan. My duties involve developing policies and reviewing claims. It’s the greatest job on earth if you love evidence-based medicine (which I do!). And it connects perfectly to another life: teaching EBM at the University of Minnesota, which I’ve been doing since 2004.

I’m pleased to return to St. Joseph’s Hospital, my former employer and postgraduate alma mater, on August 20th to discuss health insurance with the family residents.

This post contains my key teaching points and didactic materials.

Suggested Thought Process

  1. Is the health care service a covered benefit? (cf. benefit plan)
  2. Does the carrier have a policy concerning the health care service?
  3. In the absence of a specific policy, is the health care service medically necessary?
  4. Does the member (patient) and/or evidence meet criteria?

Benefit Plan

At a very high level, benefits are determined by the member’s benefit plan. Eligible services are subject to the plan’s terms, as often summarized in medical policies. Excluded services are not eligible for coverage and cannot be funded by the plan (doing so would violate a contact with the plan’s owner).

Medical Policies

Medical Necessity

Group Exercise

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Think Like a Doctor

My longtime collaborator, Jim Beattie, and I will be taking our roadshow to Cleveland, Ohio, for the Midwest Chapter of the Medical Library Association’s Annual Conference. Our four-hour workshop (sounds long, goes fast) provides a practical introduction to evidence-based medicine (EBM). The material is adapted from courses that we teach at University of Minnesota and prior MLA conference presentations. This blog post serves as our “course website.”

PowerPoint Presentations
Think Like a Doctor: Course Introduction
Think Like a Doctor: Diagnosis
Think Like a Doctor: Therapy

Other Course Materials
Competency-Based Medical Education (resource)
Abstract Attack (resource)
PubMed Citations for Small Groups

Family Medicine Clerkship Assets
Unanswered Clinical Questions (article)
Should We Google It? (article)
Evidence Uptake by Synthesized Resources (article)
12 Step EBM Project
CAT Template
PLS Template
Clinical Bottom Line tip sheet
Strengths & Weaknesses of Evidence tip sheet

EBM Resources
Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (organization)
Levels of Evidence (LOE) Taxonomy (2011) (resource)
Strength of Recommendation Taxonomy (SORT) (resource)
POO, DOO and You (article)
A POEM a week for the BMJ (article)
The Rational Clinical Examination (article series)
The Rational Clinical Examination (book)
Users’ Guides to the Medical Literature (book)
Evidence-Based Physical Diagnosis, 4th ed. (book)
Evidence-Based Medicine, 5th ed. (book)
Diagnostic Calculator (resource)
Biostatistics Calculator (resource)