
It’s that time of year when heavy boxes (nine pounds) arrive with the fruits of last season’s labor. The 76th (!!) edition of Conn’s Current Therapy is now in print, and with it my chapter on alcohol use disorder.1 I’ve been the chapter author since 2022.

Many thanks to my old partner, Tim Scanlan, M.D., for passing my name along to the editorial team at Elsevier. And also to my editors Rick Kellerman, M.D., and Kevin Travers.

I’ve been invited back for 2025. I plan to add a section on ambulatory withdrawal management.2 I’ve also been mulling over whether risks related to alcohol truly “start from the first drop.”3 Finally, the updated edition of The ASAM Criteria, which appeared in late 2023, likely requires brief mention. ✸

  1. Page 841ff ↩︎
  2. J Addict Med 2020;14(3S Suppl 1):1-72 (PMID: 32511109) ↩︎
  3. World Health Organization ↩︎

Author: doctorfrenz

I'm a physician specializing in addiction medicine

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